Ruben Alva My diary

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blake Lively

Blake Lively

It plays a rich, beautiful girl that nobody can say no, but in real life, Blake Lively of fame Gossip Girl which has been rough. Reaching the new cover of Vogue, says the actress in a long interview that she, unlike her Serena van der Woodsen a hit TV show, knows what its like to have people make fun of..

Report Joaquin Phoenix Rap Career Is A Hoax

Joaquin Phoenix

You do not say! Who saw that one coming? Entertainment Weekly claims that two people close to the Oscar-nominated actor, who has done much Hyped-three-song debut as a rapper on Jan. In a shocking turn of events, heading mills are now buzzing that Joaquin Phoenix retirement from acting and newfound career as a rapper is all part of an elaborate fake. 16 in Vegas, has created an Andy Kaufman-style hoax, which is documented by his brother - in-law Casey Affleck..

Megan Fox Has A Tasty Tongue


The 22-year-old Transformers hottie has been reported in Canada, to re-shoot a number of scenes for his film, Jennifers body.. Megan Fox sticks his tongue playfully as you face to photographers on arrival at the airport in Vancouver, Canada on Tuesday.

Sacha Baron Cohen Booed For Madonna Joke

Sacha Baron Cohen

Usually, Sacha Baron Cohen speeches and public appearances tend to heart racing and the people turn crimson with attacks laughs at jokes they know only too well that are close to utter crassness. Cohen took the stage in a star-studded event to present the award for Best Comedy award Woody Allen Vicky Christina Barcelona, and has begun to do so with some Jabs at our modern celebrity culture. Ironically, the comic one-liners at last nights Golden Globe not to entertain the audience of A-list, with whistles stray distinctly be heard here and there. As expected, jokes about the current economic situation were included, as are some attacks on some of the most mediated celebrities and scandals that have been involved in recent years.

Going Places Where Stingrays Are Stars

The poor stingray doesn t deserve its reputation suddenly dangerous.. They have suffered some serious bad press after one of them accidentally killed Steve Irwin, the famous hunter alligator, with a fatal stab from a poisonous tail. But the tragedy was the result of the stunt mans wrong and not a deliberate attack.